Posted in first impressions, pictures, video games

First Impressions: Hyrule Warriors

Hyrule Warriors – Summary/Reception

 So many Wii U owners have been looking forward to this game with all the  hype around it. Hyrule Warriors is an odd, unexpected pairing of the Zelda series and the Dynasty Warriors series. It has done pretty well so far in both reviews and sales. GameInformer gave Hyrule Warriors an 8.0/10 saying that one great thing about it is that there is a lot of references to previous Zelda games, mainly from Ocarina Of Time, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword. Wikipedia lists many scores and then averages them if you would like to read that as well. I’ve been so excited about this game with all of the reveal videos and other trailers that made you want more. I just played a couple of hours or so to give a glimpse of what Hyrule Warriors is like.


This is a picture of the Hyrule Castle in Hyrule Warriors. It’ll be interesting to see how the different places somehow come together in what appears to be an alternative dimension of the Zelda universe seperated from the main timeline/cannon. Continue reading “First Impressions: Hyrule Warriors”